
Taichi Akutsu, PhD Violinist - Teacher - Researcher 

Taichi Akutsu, Professor of Music and Early Childhood Music Education at Okayama Prefectural University is a Japanese violinist-teacher-researcher. His degrees include a BM, from Tokyo College of Music; a MM, from Manhattan School of Music (2005); and a MA, from Lehman College, CUNY (2011) and PhD in Education, from Tokyo Gakugei University. Taichi studied the violin with Masaoki Inoue, Yoko Seto, Lewis Kaplan, Yoko Takebe, Lisa Kim and Glenn Dicterow, former concertmaster of the New York Philharmonic. Taichi was also a violinist of the New World Symphony under the direction of Michael Tilson Thomas (2006-2009). He gained teaching experiences in community music schools and public schools in NYC and Miami, Florida. While focusing on children’s musical engagement and human development, Taichi recently presented research and practice on music education in Helsinki, New Orleans, Seattle, Miami, New York, Seoul, Taipei, Singapore, Tokyo and Malka, Malaysia. He has published on issues of strings education, and young children’s engagement with the violin, and musical development; recent titles include “Changes after Suzuki: A retrospective analysis and review of contemporary issues regarding the Suzuki Method in Japan” (International Journal of Music Education); “Observable flow experience in a two-year-old Japanese child’s violin playing” (Music Education Research”; “Constructing a fast protocol for middle school beginner violin classes in Japan” (International Journal of Music Education). He is also a faculty member of Seisa University where he conducts his research on distance music education to build a musical community. 

東京生まれ。幼少期にスズキメソードでヴァイオリンをはじめ、都立日比谷高校でオーケストラと出会い、音楽の道を志す。東京音楽大学器楽科ヴァイオリン専攻卒業(B.M)と同時に単身渡米。マネス音楽院にてプロフェッショナル演奏ディプロマ取得後、2005年にマンハッタン音楽院大学院オーケストラ専攻(M.M)修了。在学中は、ニューヨークフィルハーモニックの名コンサートマスターとして活躍したGlenn Dicterow氏に師事。
音楽教育分野では、マンハッタン区公立学校やマイアミの地域の音楽院でヴァイオリンや幼児音楽の授業を担当。コロンビア大学Dr. Lori Custoderoの、研究ベースの幼児音楽教育に触発され、音楽教育の研究にも取り組む。2011年には、ニューヨーク市立大学大学院音楽教育専攻(M.A.)を修了、2016年に東京学芸大学大学院連合学校教育学研究科修了。教育学博士。